Phone: 312 977 0100
Fax: 312 977 0795
111 West Washington St,
Suite 1425
Chicago, IL 60602
Know Your Rights If You Are Injured At A Train Crossing
When a train strikes a car at a crossing, the results are usually devastating. If you were injured or a family member killed in a railroad crossing accident, it’s important to put your case in the hands of an experienced lawyer as soon as possible.
At Healy Scanlon Law Firm in Chicago, our attorneys take traffic safety very seriously. We are one of a handful of premier personal injury law firms known for our exceptional case results. We have obtained numerous multimillion-dollar recoveries for our clients in accidents involving trains. We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case.
Liability And Train Crossing Accidents
Illinois contains thousands of train or grade crossings where railroad tracks cross a roadway at a level grade. These crossings are especially dangerous to motorists and pedestrians. Some crossings have passive warnings such as signs. Others have active warning devices such as gates and flashing lights that operate automatically.
In the aftermath of an accident, a prompt investigation may discover negligence on the part of the railroad or the engineer. Examples of negligence include:
Time is not on the side of the victims. Following an accident, railroad companies may send maintenance crews to the crossing to trim vegetation or correct defects. The sooner you contact our attorneys, the sooner we can collect and preserve evidence that may be important in your case.
There is never a charge to discuss your case with a Chicago train accident lawyer at our firm. Evening and weekend consultations are available. To speak to us, call 312-226-4236 or send us an e-mail.
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Fill out the form or call us to get in touch with our firm to set up a free consultation regarding your case.
Phone: 312 977 0100
Fax: 312 977 0795
111 West Washington St,
Suite 1425
Chicago, IL 60602
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