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How a Workman’s Comp Lawyer Fights for Your Rights?

healyscanlonveugelergannon • March 7, 2020

Unfortunately, accidents in the workplace are fairly common, such as injuries accrued by falling off a ladder, lifting heavy items, or even long developing injuries, like a carpal tunnel for workers who type often. Workers who acquire these injuries need experienced advocates, like workplace comp lawyers, to help them get the compensation and medical care they require from a rather complicated system. Thankfully, Healy Scanlon has the top workman’s comp lawyers in Chicago , so you can be sure to receive compensation for your workplace accident.

What is Worker’s Comp?

Worker’s comp (also known as worker’s compensation) is a type of insurance that provides wages and medical benefits to employees who are injured on the job in exchange for the relinquishment of the employee’s right to sue their employer for negligence that resulted in the accident. At Healy Scanlon, these workman’s comp lawyers in Chicago fight for your right to be treated justly and fairly in regard to medical expenses, and to receive appropriate wage compensation for the hours you will be missing due to the accident. Workman’s comp lawyers in Chicago can help workers who are hurt on the job receive numerous benefits, depending on the type of injury, such as medical benefits, temporary or permanent partial disability benefits, vocational rehabilitation benefits, and wage reimbursement benefits.

How These Lawyers Fight for You!

The overall goal for Healy Scanlon’s workman’s comp lawyers in Chicago, who represent the injured worker, is to help that individual obtain the benefits listed above. These lawyers gather medical records and evidence, perform legal research, remain abreast of current evolutions of the law, take depositions ((from the claimant, medical experts, physicians, and others), and litigate the worker’s case before a referee or judge. Gathering medical evidence is an especially important skill to have for your workman’s comp attorney; insufficient medical evidence is often the most common reason for worker’s comp claims to be denied. Additionally, these lawyers must have the capabilities and knowledge required to excel as a workman’s compensation attorney, like strong litigation and trial experience, excellent negotiation skills, and extensive knowledge of worker’s compensation laws and procedures in addition to essential legal skills that every lawyer requires. However, to fully get the most from your worker’s comp lawyer, you must consult with them as early as possible. This is because worker’s compensation often involves intricate rules, which determine whether your injury can be compensated, and what extent of wage and medical benefits you will be able to receive. Healy Scanlon’s workman’s comp lawyers in Chicago often file emergency motions in disputed cases to get the medical treatment approved, and wages paid, all for the benefit of the injured worker. So, if you’re in the Chicago area and you are in search of a workman’s comp lawyer, then Healy Scanlon Law Firm is the firm for you.

December 11, 2024
Rachel Strieber was honored to plan and co-host the "Women's Bar Cook County Judges' Night" on December 5, 2024. Over 40 judges were in attendance. Rachel is currently a member of the Illinois Women's Bar Association's Civil Litigation Committee where she works to increase opportunities for continuing legal education for fellow attorneys. Rachel also serves on the planning committee for the Women's Bar "Top Women Leaders" and "Judicial Reception" events.
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Kevin Veugeler secured a $3.2 million recovery plus a waiver of $750,000 in Workers' Compensation benefits for a Sprinkler Fitter who fell from a ladder. While litigating this case, Kevin was able to show that the general contractor and owner of the jobsite failed to follow their own site-specific safety plan to protect the safety of their subcontractors. Through documents and deposition testimony, Kevin was able to establish that the general contractor and owner failed to provide a safe place to work. If you, a friend or a family member have been injured, please contact Healy Scanlon Veugeler Gannon for a free consultation.
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