Many Chicago construction workers are seen on high-rise buildings, which projects often use scaffolding for support. Height risks as well as the use of heavy machinery and dangerous equipment can lead to injuries and even deaths in workplace. Statistics from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries show that 806 construction workers died on the job in 2012, up 9 percent from the previous year.
The current housing industry boom has caused workplace accidents to rise. An OSHA spokesman stated construction workers represent 7 percent of the total U.S. workforce. However, they account for 17 percent of workplace deaths. Residential construction deaths have increased in the past few years which have OSHA concerned. In 2012, 89 deaths were reported on residential construction sites as compared to 72 in the previous year.
OSHA provides training to many industries to prevent accidents. One of its most recent efforts was during the National Safety Stand-Down, where construction companies discussed fall prevention and studied training resources provided by OSHA. This training and information session was scheduled to address the rise in deaths due to falls from heights at construction locations, like high-rise buildings. It was stated that one-third of construction deaths reported in 2012 were due to falls. OSHA also keeps track of all new construction activity in a given area so that officials can monitor the site to prevent fatalities.
Construction accidents have the potential to injure or kill a worker. OSHA investigates all accidents and takes proper measures to ensure that such accidents do not happen again. The family of the loved one killed in a construction accident may file a claim for workers compensation. Knowledge of Illinois construction site injury laws may help correct compensation for the injuries or death of the construction worker be awarded. An injured victim may claim lost wages, medical expenses, rehabilitation and other costs related to the incident.
Source: Better Roads, “ OSHA official: Further increase in construction deaths likely; triggered by uptick in activity, less-experienced workers ,” Wayne Grayson, July 30, 2014